Oscar Wilde’s The Picture of Dorian Gray is a Victorian gothic novel. The story of Dorian Gray is quite horrifying nevertheless Wilde’s astonishing way with words makes the novel considerably easier to absorb. Now that we have finished the book I won´t connect a specific accident in the book, but the theme of the book. The Picture of Dorian Gray is a fantasy story with unrealistic events – for example the main story line is how a portrait of Dorian Gray alters due to his moral action and ageing while his appearance doesn’t change. This type of fantasy/unrealistic story line is today a very popular plot. Today however there is a lot of vampires, werewolves and witches. For example there is Twilight, Teen wolf, Harry Potter, True Blood etc. All theses and a lot more movies/TV-shows revolves around a magical creature. There is something about this fantasy world that lures us in, just as much as it does us now and just as much as it did Oscar Wilde 1890. I think it’s the unknown that drags us in. The mystery and the desire to know more is what keeps the fantasy world alive. I also think that magical creatures their world is a way for us to escape. Humans are often stressed and have problems in their lives – movies, books and TV can be an escape from reality. 

By: Sofie Butler


    Write something about yourself. No need to be fancy, just an overview.


    May 2013

